Friday, October 11, 2013

A Vacation Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be

When the family of the little people began planning a trip to Disney World way back in the spring, I thought I'd do a getaway, too. I haven't been to the beach in heaven knows how long and thought it would be awesome to go for a day or two; a visit to Asheville to see my in-laws would also be a nice alternative.

Of course, getting away from home hinged on not being busy at my other full time job, and it didn't work out that way. Not only did I have an extra three dogs from the family, I had seven paying guests the first weekend and I think I've got twice that many for this weekend. Going during the week was out unless I wanted to go alone, so I began to work on a homework list.

It was a pretty impressive list.

I remodeled my kitchen and redid the living room in the spring during the weeks after E3 arrived while I was baby free due to Momma on maternity leave but I didn't get around to staining the large book shelf in the kitchen; a smaller built in shelf in the living room needed painting to go from walnut to white to match the new wood trim. I also had replacement windows installed years ago that I had finally figured out how to trim and a stack of molding to do it with. And that was just inside. Outside there were trees to trim, weeds that had grown out of control all summer while I sat inside with a baby, a fence to build for my chickens to have more grazing room, and there are always things to dig and transplant if the weather is right.

Like I said, it was an impressive list.

It still is, although last night I did manage to paint the shelf in the living room and today I managed to reorganize all the DVDs and put them back on the shelf.

Yep, that's it as far as my to-do list.

Instead, although I've bemoaned how little I accomplished, I've had me time. I had my weekly fitness fix on Monday night; went ziplining on Tuesday; attended the Dixie Classic Fair and enjoyed Brandisa, a contemporary gospel concert, with my soul sister on Wednesday; took food to the food pantry and painted the shelf on Thursday; and today I've spent minding the dogs that have flocked into the kennel as owners have raced out of town to enjoy the beautiful weekend.

I realized that even though the little people aren't here, I've become accustomed to a lot of my life on their schedule, which means it's hard to change my way of thinking on a week day at least in a long term way. While I might do one busy day, I'm used to being available for them and making my schedule adjust to theirs and I'm ok with that.

In fact, I'm eager to slide back into our regular routine and get back to life as I normally know it.

But most importantly, I'm ready to see the three Es and their mom and dad again. I'm ready to send three little dogs home to the people they really like. I'm ready to stop running by and picking up the mail, feeding the fish, cat and guinea pig, and cleaning out the litter box.

I'm ready to see big blue eyes and wild curly hair in person, instead of in a gazillion Enchanted Kingdom photographs. I'm ready to hear the happy scream of "Ma!" when they roll up in the driveway, ready to tear the house apart and rampage around the yard; or color quietly and practice their letter and reading skills. I'm ready to feel small hands in mine, help with shoes, wipe butts, change diapers, kiss chubby round cheeks, argue over meals, break up fights, take walks, talk about why the leaves are changing colors, and everything else that makes up our day to day routine.

When my daughter said they had finally escaped Florida, it was the first step on the long journey home. Now I'm waiting for the call, or after midnight text, that says they've finally arrived.

It's been a nice break, but I'm more than ready for it to be over.

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